Apparently everyone if you're asking a bunch of kindergartners!
This class was pretty excited when we told them that we were going to plant a garden of veggies that you would find in a burrito.
Now ask them what they like to eat in their burritos and you'll find that these tiny foodies have a seasoned palate for the popular wrapped up meal.
Here's what we planted:
Yellow Squash
and some flowers to keep our beloved
pollinators interested.
First we woke up the sleepy garden bed from its winter nap with some soil turning and added in fresh Paydirt planting mix and mulch.
Then the students helped "hug" the new plants out of their containers by giving them a good squeeze.
Then we introduced the veggies to their new home in the soil and made sure to label what we planted so that we wouldn't forget.
We were careful to give everything enough space to stretch out their roots, stems and leaves.
Everything looked happier in the garden than in their plastic pots.
After the planting was finished, we gave everything a nice long drink of water.
See you soon burrito garden!
Can't wait to eat you!