Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Worms for Food for Thought

Looking for an inexpensive and natural vegetable fertilizer? Looking to put down that roto-tiller and pick up a margarita instead? 
Then look no further than into a box of live red wiggler worms.

Adding worms to your veggie patch is like taking an all-inclusive vacation from some of the hardest work in the garden.
These worms will work for food and their work is helping your soil turn out the best bumper crops you've ever had.

As worms maneuver their way through the soil, they're creating tunnels that help let air around the roots of plants. Air is so important for plant roots as they cannot grow in hard compacted soil, nor can they grow in standing, non-aerated water.
All these tunnels also help make the soil more receptive to water. When soils are heavy and compacted, water ends up running off, never penetrating to the roots of the thirsty plants.

They'll eat anything! Well, almost anything.
They are natures perfect recyclers, munching their way through old leaves, grass clippings and kitchen waste and sending it out as beautiful, rich, organic fertilizer.

Pssst...the kids will like them too!

Stop by your local Star Nursery and pick up a box today!

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