Thursday, March 29, 2018

Your April Garden Checklist

Brighten up your yard.  Plant all kinds of annual and perennial flowers for spring and summer color. Set out ground covers. GazaniaIceplantsHearts and FlowersIvyVerbena and Australian Racer are some good choices. After planting, use a pre-emergent weed control. See our friendly sales associates for details.
Pretty but destructive.  Watch for skeletonizers on grape leaves. Adults are iridescent purple moths and the attractive caterpillars are striped blue and yellow (with stinging, irritating hairs). Untreated they will strip all the green from the leaves very quickly. Several generations a season may weaken or kill your vines. Treat with Bacillus Thuringensis (Bio Worm Killer or Thuricide) which will kill all kinds of caterpillars but won’t hurt anything else.
Apply mulches on the surface of your vegetable and flower beds and around trees and shrubs. It keeps the soil cool and helps moisture retention. Paydirt™ Planting Mix is an excellent choice for all mulching needs. Bark mulch is a good alternative in high wind areas.

Give lawns a workout to prepare them for the hot summer months. StarNote 820, Lawn Care and Maintenance Calendar, lists fertilizer choices (StarNote 825 for Southern Utah). Continue overseeding as needed and aerate the lawn every 2-3 years.
Vegetable tips.  Mulch tomatoes to conserve soil moisture and water deeply, but not every day, to encourage deep rooting and discourage blossom drop. Plant warm season vegetables like squash, peppers, beans, and melons. Plant hot season tomatoes like Heatwave which will continue to produce as temperatures climb. Feed monthly with Dr. Q’s® Vegetable & Tomato Food (6-10-6)

For more information on monthly garden advice, check out Star Note #100


  1. Where do I find Star note 820?

  2. Shellie, just click on star note 100 above, then go to the top under menu and click on Star Notes. You'll be able to find it there in numerical order.
